CoE aes Seles ery cy , 5 a - Se ae ~ ie ain ie hg hd ab} : a Rn $ i rg Pa ae a : ra i Barn Age i ooe ry 23 aa a AP Me a re . Pa ve 3 v * F ee anes AE hs Apes 7 * f ) ry H - , ; ' f | - “4 . : ie et ie t. ; easel, i } rs 2 Ps a | je t ~ - em Pratt ~ r ~ oF Ph ~ * ; ie A * A ito es | . H ‘ 4 5 Ss ; . . peer vw oe: ore Ra : Eis 3 ry " . > . Hist a ' oe if S FY ¥ - a c be - ‘the ye ae . rt A ee ot . J . 7 ie ts 1 " o - / Gt re ~ = J Y a 1s Pa tin fia » as ' Sm AL Ptr é RETURN TO Pies ieee tic, si ada henna canny DeRNE avg aRen a Re ete mE bh ; : JAS. A. CLAYT La RNa eR gE ak irene t a ee edhe . I eg ne har rath, ; P : Fi fe. 5 Fahey ; , r . a 3¢ J od +" Bepaweoeeen eran ater egies aphec est shat : Bit fe ae (A CORPORATION) ede ee f Ree a ae eae nL ALi phar tre . ut eae. ¥ ete SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA NE Marita tal latipien pyyt eid weave ead eee a Tg s Ld ” —— x > . “ P . ait Pree PE Tt es hy vf 3: = Ht + saa ae tay a Got ° maar ‘ ‘ a. ioe : a. a” Eo - " Pr - er r r ; a) art : ‘ ’ * t Tru ae 4 ; i S “ bs ‘ys « - * he bd i * - ; i. : f af ; , ra ey uct . a wae: 4. ‘ tad, : a y+ ‘e peel " - » “ i. ss i ts i ; ooh a : AGS - + a sd ss — < n Cy a a ; i . - 4 5 he, ks 3 3 Fi 2? - & a rahe ‘ . eee has & t os . ad i - : " ath : ae aie | rt 4 7h, 4 . 4 t . e a . é . os r. a - ae ~¥* 7 rs j : Mi y a) 7b “ ! he J aay “ J " : “4 : ee ey FY : 4 - $5, . S s 7 ae" uJ 2 4 r . ; — ? 7 f Pi F ar ae ’ ty ye F 7h = : " * eH . - . P a oe ! -~- -- “+--+ . 7 ' ' “- _-- ~- a «- == re ee A e ) , 1 ? * ; - ~ a + + a au ae ' oT he Se a age sate a 3 ; + Pay ay pide See Aan Seg Pee Pak MN eae ae ter ia GOIN Y OF DAN TA (GLABRA tile Ther Bae e ., > ae - . Te ‘ rt / ah fh at Ni reall a I" Bt : ; “ SAP ag set ? PED) Nis b ~*~ aT -T~ ~, <3 —_ : T ; ; . R ‘ ee . a San DE oR CALIFPORNIA: i: est Aah a ae : ee ; : _ ‘ / a aaa Pr ; 3's ran’ F . ‘i ‘ m . 1 ‘ v 4 , ‘ J by re ay ; Aero gitit Dated ..~J- ). : : BOLE Sa ella ea it i iets ht os ‘ bd = by! 4 ee : TS alin M 2 Pe: : j ; 2 » Pet . te - a ee she! hee ‘ . ad ~~ le, il - - ; > Te , ee in Pe pen: | ie” Mis ee pee SSR ake Hie tiie | MADE, AT THE REQUEST OF dh tie otc taeer ut Roa teat Mae Ne sisal oie Teediy Tt Hed ~ Ng “a” ; ; > . x i: pit feet t . de = i. i : . mL Le. . ‘ a . 7 ; x ; a Fs ahi BB Seg teat yy ah oe! on ie ; : a 5 . Ph eg bie Recent ee gp ete ipod pect . ea OG cot ee ae ; SAN - JOSE* | ee ; Pa , a yt s 4 3 . rips : : oe ‘ : ~ > . Hey z ob ; 7 ip ae : - A 1 * + ye meet Sep ale at Step eho ak r{itengif PERT poli “s } ; eS vkia J hie ity edie ce Gn elvan eae eer | ‘Tt D > Reaeeerinear ses els A ee Hered om cnet . eee ea 4ST ee NG j ¥9 I AE . ut i DT ak Ps , : eteb i : bes er . & J Fe aay . - ¢ . ih bs bob be Ste A sibel Thess ae . ; ™ ‘ s ‘ ; : H f mae fig’ ‘ / it Neel Buti tle Pee be Cities ee iiss ehes ick sats . ~ =atileESSOR TO Sf oe ae, Ys ‘ P ee 5 , . : ~~ > ry a ai ei iat hi : ise t Fj ie eT oeee es. » *. 4 : ‘ Se aa ieee acer ) 3)) MAN «> PONEROY . | ie ae) e ti ! ’ . Sp 2 MAN a K i W ‘ , ¢ zoe ° 21 : { H Y iy at S he ee : f s hit Ay es heb etic Sap ee RW It 29 UE ets cn ete | . ~ srth Second Street, i i) te i Get Rena Nee ee ere aes er RES sre - SAN JOSE, CAL. Hecuiae tow hee Seat MF yep ree eieraurss Gut fee ea . " : ‘ 7 en re iL ee 9S ; : re . a 4 Hi Noe ah. ae, ; ‘ + ‘ : if as 7 v f . . yl a t . a ar ; iF - a 4 sands ee - " r are z ; . 8 y r , “f ’ p baa co oe ~ ” ~~ " v en iz iY 3 as BENNY a i 1 st 4 ® > _ bd ui : C 2 ‘ . . ‘ g - va oe 9 rg it - - 7 . a “ , i . . 4 - Ss _ a oy “ | in a on ) : v 3 iad . os A . 3 Lad ‘ , 7 — hej “ i > s — ~ 7 . - ee . . _ “ n x 2 F . . R > ~ . z aN a4 = Aue : * § - . * e ~ ‘ 2 es 7 > ; _ 4 - ae $ " | 7 “ } ba my * + “ : . a Fy = 1 i a r . Ms ? = 3 . . 2 “ 7 : mes 7. ‘ A : - “ a 7 J J + i 1 e b os 7 r pa ‘ . . i a " 5s , Ser kb) te Ri, ? = a - et > .* ~ : . > » " ' es . | 4 “ hs - f ey ' 4 - ; - A rhea fv : } A " . 5 . te " ‘ , ekeraeh . en Sean , Eafe ive hee ee Co até hd mcs whee Me le . . sh ' . f er d- Patel Soir tare “ " ? IOP TL tet by . " ’ bd tee i ) ie "nth Be eel ke ; 4 je mea r F : ’ F re ; re : f eRe eT ec WY at ror eR 5 ae, eee Bete eet ee a Pee we ie ecoret S 4 ar ves ae a ‘ a” oe — ve . = at 5 ne | by a 8” ‘ an - FT t 7 4 ear ecpavalo ee ae ae phainey Se ee - sitet igi cot sateen Re ee ee et Ae ey en atest eee Sen meee cesioes, Fee MeeVee OR ete ie at ee eee Ne RET, NORE Aiea ane Te a ae meee me ae Se 4A lc eee Be: Si LOLA Pret. Lae Oe rs Tf sea anisheieW 7 = \ a S ae Ohe e We aL wee . Ole oe er we Sie rv S . ~ es ANA 7 Zé mre fF a / oe he SE NE ee = a a ea SS I Q a ———————— Se. All those certain lots pieces or parcels of land 1 the County of Santa Clara, State of Califor Ly ‘ew & nia, known and described as Lat 12 and the South hast- ern one half of Lot 5 of the Huyck subdivision in Pue } Tns Ta. > | blo Tract Number ll. 1ient to february, a eh. * erelnafter Sé yy aoe Showing Subdivision of part of tl in Pueblo Tract f.. San Jose. Ne re —- (OOF Vat S—— 5 os a a — e e »). G _-€ Derived Under Acts of the Legislature of thew Breid. OU CALIAO Re ba — THROUGH THE—— _bommissioners of the Funded Debta.. Stas Ce Saat cone: History: The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Jose, claimants for lands described by boundaries, granted July 22d, 1778, by Felipe de Neve, Governor of the Province of Upper California, to the Pueblo of San Jose de Guadalupe. Claim filed July 14th, 1852. Confirmed by the Board of Land Commissioners February 5th, 1856. Appeal taken August 6th, 1857. Confirmed by the District Court November 26th, 1859. Appeal on behalf of the U. S. granted February 16th, 1860. Decree of Final Confirmation entered in the U.S. District Court June 13th, 1866. CoMPineaD — oe. =a DGAR PONE ROY, = e Searcher of FRecords, - - - Sam Jose, California. A. S. YoRK, Book and Job Printer, 30 East Santa Clara St, References to Statutes of the State of California. STATUTES OF 1856—CHAPTER CXXXVI. An Act to authorize the Funding of the Debt of the City of San Jose. and to Provide for the Payment of the same. [| Approved April roth, 1856. | STATUTES OF 1858—CHAPTER CCXXXIII. — An Act to Authorize the Funding of the Unfunded Debt of the City of San Jose, and to Pro- vide for the Payment of the same. [Approved April 21st, 1858. ] References to Proceedings of the Board of Trustees of the City of San Jose. May 17, 1858—Resignation of Thomas Fallon accepted. [Page 265. | June 10, 1858—Hlection of S. O Houghton to fill vacancy created by resignation of Thomas Fallon. [Page 266. | June 16, 1858—Bond of William Daniels, James C. Cobb and Sherman O. Houghton, in the penal sum of $15,000, filed. [This Bond is not approved by any person or Court. ] Oath of office taken before J. R. Weller, J. P., (of Milpitas Township) June 11, 1858. August 2, 1658—The ‘‘Ordinance to carry into effect the Act concerning the Funding of the Unfunded Debt of the City of San Jose, approved April 21, 1858,’’ was taken up, amended and ; 5 adopted. [Page 269. ] leaubeainatens - Gastdaels cer Gods Gabe we tens 3y PETER O. MINOR, President of the Board of Trustees. To WILLIAM DANIELS, JAMES C. Coss and S. O. Hovscuron, Commissioners of the Funded Debt of the City of San Jose. DILTEE Se a ee a pepe etee ay Seen erm a ae hee ja nih MOUSE id TOR CONSIDERATION — PREMISES. WHEREAS, William Daniels, James C. Cobb and Sherman O. Houghton, have duly qualified as Commissioners of the Funded Debt of the City of San Jose, in accordance with the requirements of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved April 21, 1858, entitled, ‘‘An Act to Authorize the Funding of the Unfunded Debt of the City of San Jose, and to provide for the pay- ment of the sanie,’’ and whersas, the Board of ‘Trustees of the City of San Jose did, on August 2, 1858, by an ordinance passed by them and duly approved, August 2, 1858, authorize, empower and direct P. O. Minor, President of the. Board of Trustees, to make, execute, acknowledge and deliver to said Cominissioners a deed of conveyance, conveying to said Commissioners all the property, and rights, titles and interest in property belonging to said City, together with lands, and rights in lands, or claims to the same, held or owned by the former Pueblo de San Jose de Guadalupe, and all the Pueblo rights of said Pueblo, in Trust for the payment of the debts of said City; now, there- fore, I, Peter O. Minor, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of San Jose, in behalf of said City, by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by said ordinance, in consideration of the prem- ises, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto William Daniels, James C. Cobb and S. O. Houghton, Commissioners of the Funded Debt of the City of San Jose, and to their successors in office, all those certain lands lying in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, te wit: All the prop- erty, and rights, titles and interests in property belonging to said City, together with the lands and rights in lands, or claims to the same, held or owned by the former Pueblo de San Jose de Guada- lupe, and all the Pueblo rights of said Pueblo, upon trust, to sell and dispose of the same in such manner as they may deem the best interests of said City requires, and apply all the moneys which shall be received by them from the sales of said lands to the payment of the Funded Debt of the City of San Jose, after paying the necessary expenses of said Board of Commissioners. Acknowledged August 23d, 1858. Before JOHN B. HEWSON, County Clerk of Santa Clara County. Recorded September 4th, 1858. Liber ‘‘L’”’ of Deeds, Page 672. Reference to Statutes of the State of California. STATUTES OF 1859—CHAPTER XCII. An Act supplementary to and amendatory of ‘‘An Act to Authorize the Funding of the Un- funded Debt of the City of San Jose, and to provide for the Payment of the same,’’ approved April 21st, 1858. [Approved March 7, 1859. ] Reference to Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of San Jose. May 2, 1859—Resignation of William Daniels as one of the Board of Commissioners of the Funded Debt offered and accepted. [Page 265. | May 9, 1859—Clerk instructed to present resignation of William Daniels, and request him (Daniels) to direct it properly. [Page 2096. | May 14, 1859—Wnm. Daniels released from his bond as one of the Commissioners of the Funded Debt. [Page 208. | June 6, 1859—Lawrence Archer elected to fill vacancy created by resignation of William Daniels. [Page 300. ] June 24, 1859—Bond of James C. Cobb, Sherman O. Houghton and Lawrence Archer, in the penal sum of $15,000. (No endorsement or memorandum of filing.) Oath of office annexed, sworn to before Thomas Fallon, Mayor, June 24, 1859. February 3, 1861—Resignation of Mr. Archer asa member of the Board of Fund Com- missioners was accepted, and Judge Daniels unanimously chosen to fill the vacancy. [Page 376.] February —, 1861—Bond of J. C. Cobb, S.O. Houghton and Wm. Daniels. Oath of office taken by Daniels before R. B. Buckner, Mayor of the City of San Jose. Reference to Statutes of the State of California. STATUTES OF 1862—CHAPTER CXXVI. An Act supplementary to an Act entitled ‘‘An Act to authorize the Funding of the Unfunded Debt of the City of San Jose, and to Provide for the payment of the same, approved ADT. 21St, 1858.” [Approved April 8th, 1862. ] STATUTES OF 1863—CHAPTER CXLII. An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘‘An Act to authorize the Funding of the Unfunded Debt of the City of San Jose, and to Provide for the Payment of the same, approved April 21st, 1858.’’ [Approved April 6th, 1863.] Reference to Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of San Jose. November 14, 1864—Resignation of S. O. Houghton, one of the Commissioners of the Funded Debt of the City of San Jose, presented and laid over. [Page 241.] November 15, 1864—Resignation of S. O. Houghton as one of the Board of Commission- ers of the Funded Debt of the City of San Jose accepted. Ordinance passed and approved ap- pointing Francis E. Spencer a Commissioner of the Funded Debt of the City of San Jose. [P. 242] November 25, 1864—Bond of Wm. Daniels, James C. Cobb and Francis E. Spencer in the penal sum of $15,000. Oath of office (of all) appended, sworn to before Jas. A. Clayton, County Clerk of Santa Clara County. STATUTES OF 1866—CHAPTER xxIx. An Act to Abolish the Board of Commissioners of the Funded Debt of the City of San Jose. | [Approved January 17th, 1866. ] Francis E. SPENCER, JAMES C. Coss and WILLIAM DANIELS, Commissioners of the Funded Debt of the City of San Jose, sistema TROY aici se MAYOR AND Common Councu, of the City of San Jose, and their successors in office: OES yA y jun ® => IDI ff pss @e ’ a . Dated La add eke EE ee anuary, 26 ,7866. CONSIDERATION---Authority Conferred and $1.00. WHEREAS, All of the indebtednesss of the City of San Jose which existed on the 21st day of April, 1858, and all of the indebtedness of said city, which was authorized to be funded by virtue of an Act approved April 21st, 1858, has been fully paid; and, whereas, the Legislature of the State of California passed ‘‘An Act entitled an Act to abolish the Board of Commissioners of the Funded Debt of the City of San Jose,’’ approved January 17th, 1866, wherein it is expressly pro- vided that said Commissioners, or a majority thereof, are required to convey to the ‘‘ Mayor. and Common Council of the City of San Jose,’’ on the application of the Mayor thereof, all the prop- erty and rights, titles and interests in property belonging to said Commissioners, together with lands and rights in lands, or claims to the same, held or owned by the former Pueblo de San Jose; and, whereas, the said Mayor of the City of San Jose did, January 2 5th, 1866, make a demand on said Board of Commissioners of the Funded Debt requiring said Board to make, execute and de- liver a proper deed of conveyance from said Board to said Mayor and Common Council of all the property, rights, titles and interests in property belonging to said Commissioners which remained in their hands unsold on the 17th day of January, A. D. 1866. Now, therefore, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the ‘‘Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Jose,’’ and their successors in office, in trust, for the use and benefit of said city and the citizens thereof, all those certain lands lying in the County of Santa Clara, State of Cali- fornia, to wit: All the property belonging to said Commissioners, as such, rights, titles and inter- ests in all the lands, and claims to any and all the lands held or owned by the former Pueblo de San Jose de Guadalupe, ineaning thereby all the right title, claim and interest in the property and lands aforesaid acquired by said Board of Commissioners by a certain deed of conveyance to said Board. made and executed by P. O. Minor, as President of the Board of Trustees of the City of San Jose, dated on the 4th day of August, A. D. 1858, and recorded in Book I, of Deeds, pp. 672, etc., in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, excepting from this conveyance, however, all such lands as may have been heretofore sold to private persons by said Commissioners. Acknowledged February 3d, 1866. Before CHARLES G. THomAs, N. P. Recorded February 6th, 1866. Liber ‘‘U’’ of Deeds, page 589. Reference to Statutes of the State of California. An Act to Re-incorporate the City of San Jose. [Approved March 17th, 1866. | (Oe Ziad, As Mayor of the City of San Jose, for and on behalf of the Mayor and Common Council of said City of San Jose, — TO-—__— A, L Keagche Dated i | | ieee es oS; Fe LO 7. _Consideration---TPremises, and § IG.O 0. <= Certified copy of Ordinance passed by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Jose, (abacargye W ate 6 “2 , approved Ne ideas oe; LEOT, authorizing the “) c sale of Pueblo Lands to... ( fh i A ha ALAVE , set forth L, at length, authorizing ang directing the — or of said City to sell and convey to on payment to the City Treasurer of the = 2h es cl sum of WW. CA ABR MMM PIA Menard pd dollars, the following described tract... or parcel... of land, being a portion of the Pueblo Lands of the City of San Jose, to wit: All eo a certain tract... or parcel... of land lying and being in the ., County of Santa Clara, in the State of California. and Beginning at a post standing upon the Eastern line of the Pala Rancho and at the South West corner of land of Knapp,and running thence N.82 1/4° E£. 20 ghe bara se" B.S che. N66 5 /4° By 88.46. che to ths North hast corner of sald land of Knapp;thence along in possession of Shaw 8.38° E, 60.50 chs to a post standing in the center of a gulch;thence up Said Gulch with the following courses and distances foe ae” ee 2 che. 6.8 10 chs. S.45*-E. 18. 7a chs, thence along the Western line of land of McCar- ley with the following courses and distances 5.58° W. 4 chs. S,7° EB. 25 chs, 8.40 1/2° W.7.19 chs, 8.49 1/4 %.39 chs to a post on line between lands of McCarley and of Fleming, thence along the Northern line of land of Fleming S.59° W. 34 chs. N.o7 L722 10-6 O $53 /4*° 0 Bt and $.30 §/4 on said Hastern Rancho beginning. Containing 992 acres. Courses true Mag.Var.16 1/2° Becites Ordinance, a certified copy of which is hereto attached, and is hereby referred to and made a part of this indenture. Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises and the sum of “GOO — dollars, etc., said party of the first part, for and on behalf of said Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Jose, doth bargain, sell, release, remise and convey to the said Pe the sec- ond part, and to ieee heirs and assigns forever, all thal _ Certain piece... OF parcel... of land situate lying and being in the nvteitminiommnendiies, Ss OULTY OL Salita, Aslara, State of California, and bounded and described as in said Ordinance is set forth, which said certified copy of said Ordinance is hereby referred to for a full description of said premises. Provided, always, that all covenants of warranty are hereby expressly excluded herefrom. an a IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part, as such Mayor, ae has hereunto set his hand and seal, and has caused to be affixed | Crryor SAN JosE | the corporate seal of said City of San Jose, the day and year are! Scr ae first above written. ol a ee OL AALAF2 Unt. ~ fe S. | J, : (Y/ Mayor of the City of San Jose. Acknowledged en i Z fo Bcd oll, Le, row G of? Recordded eet y= Mee 67 ra 4 of Deeds, Page Bie Cth UNITED STATES OF AMERIGA IZ: Lota ea ia cere The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Jose, their Successors and Assigns. Sones 0 PGA a Sere on : bein tit hae Per paso Sa CIEE he ae THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, TO ALI, TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING: Whereas, It appears from a duly authorized Transcript, filed in the General Land Office of the United States, that, pursuant to tue provisions of the Act of Congress, approved the third day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, entitled “An Act to ascertain and settle the Private Land Claims in the State of California,’ The City of San Jose, by its Mayor and Common Council, filed a petition on the fourteenth day of July, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, with the Commmissioners to ascertain and settle the Private Land Claims in the State of California, sitting as a Board in the City of San Francisco, in which peti- tion it claimed the comfirmation of its title to a tract of land known by the name of ‘‘Pueblo of San Jose de Guad- alupe,’’ situate in the then County of Santa Clara and State aforesaid. And Whereas, She Board of Land Commissioners afores said on the fifth day of February, A. D. one thousand eignt hundred and fifty-six, rendered a decree of confirmation in favor of the claiment, which decree or decision having been taken by appeal to the District Court of the United States, for the N Northern District of California, the said District Court at a stated term, on the sixth day of August, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty- seven, in the cause entitled ‘‘The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Jose, vs. The United States,’’ rendered its decree as follows, to wit: ‘Appeal from the final decision of the Commissioners to ascertain and settle Private Jand Claims in the State ot California. The claimants claim the land included within the boundries of the former ‘Pueblo of San Jose de Guadalupe,’ according to itsaincent boundaries, and the cause having been heard upon appeal from the decision of the Commissioners aforesaid upon the transcript of the proc eedings before the said Commissioners, tieir decision, and the papers and evidence on which said decision was founded, and the same having been ar- gued by t-e District Attorney on behalf of the United States, and by F. M. Haight and Joseph B. Crockett, on be- half of the claimants representing the said Pueblo, and due deliberation being thereupon had, ‘The said Court, in pursuance of the laws of Congress, in that case made and provided, doth order, judge and Satan that the claim of the claimants to the land included within the Ancient limits of the said Pueblo of an Jose be confirmed to said claimants, or their legal representatives, according to the ancient boundaries of aid Pueblo, as ascertained by the orders and decrees of the former Governments of California, the a8 and sur veys in evidence and the testimony ot witnesses in the case, as set forth in the said transcript of the proceedings of the said Commissioners seut to this Court.” And thereafter, the mandate of the Supreme Court of the United States dismissing the appeal taken in this cause having been presented and filed in the said District Court of the United States for the Northern District of (alifornia, tne said District.Court on the thirteenth day of Tune, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six in the cause entitled ‘‘The United States vs. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Jose Pueblo Lands,’’ rendered the followieg decree, viz: ‘‘Now, therefore, on motion of Francis EK. Spencer, Esq., of counsel forthe Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Jose, aforesaid, it is ordered, adjudged and decreed, in conformity with the said mandate of the said Supreme Court, that the claim of the Mayor and Com:non Council of the City of San Jose, the claimants to the land included within the ancient limits of the Pueblo ot San Jose, be confirmed to said claimants, or their le- gal ead tives, according to the ancient boundaries of said Pueblo, as ascertained by the orders and decrees of the former Governments or California, the map and surveys in evidence, and the testimony of witnesses in the case, as set forth in the transcript of the proceedings sent to the said Supreme Court. “It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed by this Court that the boundaries of the said claim, being the same with those of the former Pueblo of San Jose, shall de ascertained and surveyed as follows, Begining ata point in the woods ata live oak tree in the dividing line between said Pueblo and what were formerly known as the lands of the Mission of San Jose, and if said tree is gone, where the same was in March 1838, running thence a southeast course, which passes through the mountains which are called Las Buellas, Pala San Felipe, Las An- imas and Aguas de las Z/agas, to a monumient of stone erected in March 1838, and having reference to all the land- marks on this line and to the monument of stone in the middle of Pala,—this line isin length eleven and one- half leagues and its southern termination the southeast corner of the ancient limits of the said Pueblo and of the land hereby confirmed to the claimants. Then commencing again at the point first mentioned, being the said live oak tree, or its former situation, and running in a line from the northeast by east to southwest by west to the Embarcadero of the Guadalupe to the last live oak which is seen on the bank = the oe er Guadalupe, or where the same was in March 1838, being two leagues aud eight hundred varas for tie length of this line, and the same passing near the house formerly occupied by Jose Higuera, and distaat ots it Bot hundred and ten varas, the house being on the northerly side of this line. ‘* Thence up the River Guadaloupe to its source, and thence running with a line corresponding with the course of said river as near as may be, and which is nearly from southeast to northwest, and having refence to monuments of stone formerly placed on this line, the last of which and the termination of this line, was placed on the apex of a little hill which is at the foot of the mountain called ‘Parage de los Capitancillos,’ including part of the oak a now, or formerly, at this place, and including all the Willow Grove now, or formerly, at the source of said rive ‘Thence from sail point at the foot of said mountain ‘delos Capitancillos’ to the creek called las Z/agas at, or near its source, and at such point, as will make the distance from where said line strikes said creek, to the south- eastern point before ascertained, the same length as the distance from the starting point in the survey to the Km- barcadero, that is, two leagues, eight hundred varas, thence ae said point, last ascertz 1ined, to the southeastern corner of said tract before ascertained. In making the survey and ascertaining the precee eding lines refrence will be had to the survey and map of the Pueblo by the Commissioners Castro, Gulnac and Salvio Castro in March 1838, and to the survey of Joseph Arguello under date of the twenty-fourth dayof July, 1801, signed also by the Friar Martin de Sandeta and Jose Miguel Osuna, and to the documents and depositions in the cause as to the ancient boundaries ot said Pueblo of San Jose subject to the following deductions, namely, the Rancho Las Milpitas, Rin- con de los Esteros, Pala, Yerba Buena, Canada de Pala, San Felipe de las Animas, Laguna Seca, Santa Teresa, San Juan Bautista, Los Captancillos, San Vicente, Las Uvas, Ojo Agua de la Coche, San Francisco de las L/agas, and also such other parcels of land as have been by grants from lawful authority vested in private proprietorship and have been finaly confirmed to parties claiming under said grants by the tribunals of the United States, or shall hereafter be finaly confirmed to parties claiming thereunder by said tribunals in proceedings now pending therein for that purpose, all of which said excepted parcels of land are included in whole or in part within the boundar- es above inentioned, but are excluded from the confirmation to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Jose. This confirmation is in trust for the benefit of the lot holders under grants from the Pueblo, Town or City of San Jose, or other competent authority, and to any residue in trust ror the use and benefit of the inhabit- ants of the City,’’ whereby the proceedings of Court upon title became final. And whereas under the thirteenth section of said Act, of the third day of March, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifty one, and the supplemental legislation, and in accordance with the proceedings had pur- suant to said Act and supplemeutal legislation, there has been deposited in the General Land Office of the United States, a return with the descriptive notes and plat of the survey of the said claim, confirmed as aforesaid, auth- enticated by the signature of the United States Surveyor-General of the State of California, which descriptive totes, aud plat of survey, are in the words and figures as follows, to wit: “UNITED STATES SURVEYOR-GENERAL’S OFFICE ) San Francisco, California. ) “Under and by virtue of the provisions of the thirteenth section of the Act of Congress of the third of March, 1851,, entitled ‘An Act to ascertain and settle the Private Land Claims in the State of California,’ and of the twelfth section of the Act of Congress, approved on the thirty-first of August, 1852, entitled ‘An Act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of the Government for the year ending the thirteenth of June, 1853, and for other purposes, and whereas the United States District Court for the Northern District of Cali- fornia, rendered a decision whereby it recognized and confirmed the title and claim of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Jose’ to the tract of land designated as the Pueblo Lands of San Jose, excepting from such confirmation certain tracts or parcels of land included in whole or in part within the exterior boundaries of said tract, as appears from the certified copy of the final decree of the said District Court, a copy of which is hereto annexed, the said tract of land was surveyed in conformity to the grant thereof and the said decision, and I hereby certify that the accompanying map is a true and accurate plat of the said Pueblo Lands of San Jose, as appears by the field notes compiled from the field notes of the surveys thereof, made by G. H. Thompson and A. T Herrmann, Deputy Surveyors, under the directions of this office, which field notes having been examined and approved, remain of record therein. “The exterior boundaries of the said Pueblo Lands of San Jose are described in the words and figures fol- lowing, to wit: (Describing same. ) ‘ And designated on the accompanying plat as Tract No. 1,’ ‘Tract No. 2,’ Tract No. 3,’ “Tract No. 4,’ and Tract No. 5,’ being the lands for which confimation was in this case given, fifty-five thousand, eight hundred and ninety-one and seventy-seven hundredths (55,891.77) acres and within the boundaries of the tracts designated upon said plat as Rancho Agua Caliente, Rancho Los Tularcitos, (Higuera), Rancho Rincon de los #steros (Ellen White), Rancho Rincon de los Esteros (Berreyesa), (Rancho Rincon de los Esteros (R. Alviso, et al.), Rancho Las Milpitas, Pala Rancho, Rancho Canada de Pala, Rancho Yerba Buena, Rancho Los Huecos, Rancho Canada de San Felipe y las Animas, Rancho Laguna Seca, Rancho Ojo de Agua de la Coche, Rancho San Francisco de las Llagas, Rancho Las Uvas, Rancho San Vicente, Rho de los Capitancillos (Charles Fossatt), Rancho de los Capitancillos (Guadalupe Mining Company), Rancho San Juan Bautista, Rancho Santa Teresa, and Pueblo Lot No. 6 (P. Chaboya), being the lands excepted from the confirmation in this case by special provision in the de- cree of the United States District Court, as aforesaid,—one hundred and thirty-two thousand, two hundred and seventy-three and sixty-three hundredths (132,273.63) acres, making an aggregate area within said exterior boundaries of one hundred and eighty eight thousand, one hundred and sixty-five and forty hundredths (188,165. 40) acres.”’ [Here follows descriptions by metes and bounds. of certain specific tracts embraced within the exterior boundaries above set forth, viz: Tracts number One, Two, Three, Four, and Five, of the said Pueblo Lands of San Jose, and which are so delineated upon the plat hereunto annexed, and which said plat is duly certified by said United States Surveyor-General for California,—the property under search being embaraced within the boundaries, and being a part of Tract number———of said Pueblo Lands, as so described and delineated. | Now Know YE, That the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in consideration of the premises, and pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Congress aforesaid, of the third of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hund- red and fifty-one, and the legislation supplemental thereto, HAS GIVEN AND GRANTED, and by these presents DoEs GIVE AND GRANT unto the said the MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JOSE, their successors and assigns, the tract of land embraced and described in the foregoing survey; but with the stipulation that in virtue of the fifteenth section of the said Act, neither the confirmation of this said claim nor this patent shall affect the interests of third persons; and with the further reservation and exception from the transfer by these presents, as excepted by the aforesaid decree of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of California, dated June thirteenth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, namely:— ‘The Ranchos Las Milpitas, Rincon de los Esteros, Pala, Yerba Buena, Canada de Pale, San Felipe de las Ani- mas, Laguna Seca, Santa Teresa, San Juan Bautista, Los Capitancillos, San Vincente, Las Uvas, Ojo Agua de la Coche, San Francisco de las L/agas, and also such other parcels of land have been by grants from lawful author- ity vested in private proprietorship and have been finally confirmed to parties claiming under said grants by the tribunals of the United States, or shall hereafter be finally confirmed to parties claiming thereunder by said trib- unals in proceedings now pending therein for that purpose, all of which said excepted parcels of land are includ- edin whole or in part within the boundaries above mentioned, but are excluded from the confirmation to the Mavor and Common Council of the City of San Jose.”’ “To HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract of land with the appurtenances unto the said the MAVOR AND COM- MON CouNCcl, oF THE CITY OF SAN JOSE, their successors and assigns forever, with the stij ulation, reserva- tion and exception aforesaid. In Testimony whereof, I, CHESTER A. ARTHUR, President of the United “tates have caused these Letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed. ha et Given under my hand at the City of Washington, this fourth day of June in the year of our | United States! Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four, and of the Independence of the United , ac | States the one hundred and eighth. ry eee Pu "i SEAL. 3y the President: CHESTER A. ARTHUR. a By WM. H. CROOK, Secretary. S. W. CLARK, Recorder of the General Land Office. Recorded Vol. 12 pp. 341 to 426 inclusive. Recorded, July 11, 1884. Liber “D” of Patents page 12, Records of Sauta Clara County, Cal. Aids. . HUYCK Carter Marshall and Braly. oe ; ‘ Dated . a r.2,1878. eee et an ES Ee arene ee ne In consideration of a deed of a certain spring by said J.S.Carter to the said party of the first part. Does grant, bargain,sell,convey and confirm unto sald parties of the second part and to their heirs and assigns forever,a strip of land 40 feet wide,the cen- ter line of which is described as follows,viz: Commencing at a point in the Hasterly line of Santa Clara Avenue distant 26.80 chs from the point of intersection of the Easterly line of said Avenue with the South Easterly boundary line of the Pala Rancho, and running thence from said point of beginning across the lands of said Huyck with the following courses and distances, S.59° 05’ EH, 6.85 chs, 5.00" SO bn 2S 3s, S.70° 45’ E. $.10 chs; S. 47% OO ae 2°05’ BE. 1.92 chs, 1 o24% to 2: 5g <3 98 chs Sci2* S162: 204. booms ens = $244 °:10"?> £45.37 - chs. 5.64% 46" b.. 2260 NW . 89° .50" 8 5-S..75- chs; 5.67° 467-8. 9.350 one: 2” 7 ge ON AO? a eae ie 2 eee 1.92 430 » @, a# -Gns+< 8-19 chs: 6.6 chs: S.:75° -26° 3: 16.80 the N Weste of al. S.-Carter’s “rancns. ‘To have and to hoid the:same forever." That the said party of the first part reserving forev- er to himself and to each and all the future owners. © the tract of land now belonging to said party of the first part through which said strip of land runs ,the ce of said strip of land as a OQ and privile Acknd. = Jany.2, L8ze. Before Jno.B.Hewson N.P. 2ecorded a Liber do v p t P’ A 7 - VAAL (\ 2 ra! Vv o. Carter _Nov.10,1875. _Gons.$1.00 Does grant,bargain,sell and convey unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forev- er all all those certain premises bounded and particu- larly described as follows,to wit; Beginning at a point in the center line of the Carter Road (as con- veyed by deed of A.L.Huyck to John 8.Carter and others dated the 2d day of January 1875) where the North East erly line of land in the possession of A.L.Huyck in- tersects the said Carter line of the Carter Road and from which point of beginning a gate post near the North Easterly line of the said Road bears North 49° 15’ West 10 7/10 feet ,distant and thence running from said point of beginning, North 9° 45’ EH. 170 feet to the middle of a certain spring of water located at Said point. Together with the land surrounding and adjacent thereto in all directions from the said cen- ter of said spring 10 feet, also all the right,title, interest and control of sufficient land on either side of of said spring towards the lands of said _-_ A.L.Huycek at or on any point on said Huyck’s land; that he may choose to “excravate" the earth and lay down pipe under ground for the conveyance of said Water from said spring to the lands of said Huyck, Said Huyck having all the right, title, ,intre-- and con- trol of Saidspring and all the water that now flows or may flow from Sald spring. Nov.10,1875. Before Jos.W.Johnson N.P. -—_-_-—— — -— - - ~ (are eH + - ee Nov.10,1875. dideinnnpeaelnaaiaitonane tae Bi pero é re vanta Clara Valley Mill and Lumber Company A Corporation. Se en's Sori oF C. Ward, L.Whipple and A. L. Huyck. Notice of Mechanic’s Lien. 7 May Lo LS Le: To secure the sum of $203. | coin for lumber and cartage for the construction and erec- tion of a shed and hall constructed by said Ward and Whipple on the lands of which A.L.Huyck was at the time of the said furnishing and is now the owner and bounded on the North by lands of Knapp,on the Hast by lands of Jones,and Carter; South by lands of Fleming and West by lands of White, said shed and hall being situated upon a hill behind what is known as the "junction house" on said lands of Huyck,. That the materials therein used were commenced to be furnished or or about February 2d,1877. That on said day during the time said materials were furnished to said Ward and Whipple said A.L.Wuycek the owner of sald lands, had actual notice of the construction of said building and of the furnishing material therefor. That the last of the materials so used in such construction were KLOET LSPA a Cie Ss BALLS KES SD furnished on the 20th day of March A.D.18/7. Amount of Verified -by the oath af Julius Wunderlich Secretary 7 of the Corporation above named, May 19,1877. nr Before Chas. F. Wilcox N.P. Recorded May 19,1877, Liber’ A of: biens Page 212. en — — i ee by S.C.V.Mill & Lumber Co. By Wm. P.Dougherty,Supt. Signed and acknowledged April 16th 1878, Before W. B. Hardy. Recorder 3 By Thos. Oakes ,Depty. ts OEE ee 8 ee Twentieth District -Court ; County of santa Clara, panta Clara Valley Mill and Lumber Company riLSintciteE LG. Ward: b Whipple: ) Assis, Huyek Defendants. Notice that an action has been commenced against the above named defendants for the foreclosure of a cer- tain mechanic’s Lien which is recorded in Book “A* of Mechanic’s Liens at page 212 on a certain shed and Hall constructed by said Ward and Whipple on certain lands of said Huyck,bounded North by lands of Knapp, Hast by lands of Jones and Carter, south by lands of Fleming,and West by lands of White,together with the lands on which said shed and Hall are situated and a convenient space about the same. Campbell and Wilcox StLOMnevys. Tor Piss ntsaee. 2ecorded SAE NT SS RS GI) Ee? Twentieth District Court County of santa Clara. panta Clara Valley Mill and Lumber Company . VS C ' Wa bs d ‘ L. Whipple and Ae 2 eaves: Defendants. + NT ca ah eae rause No.bd5050. Auet.1 7); Cause entered, Complaint filed. ° ‘ Ww, rye J and summons 1SSU4c. Register entry- sed by Order of Plffs.Atty, see 4 order Book. J. Sontheimer Clerk. ; 1 YY a 7‘ i M.J.Ashmore,Depy. a LS Pa EE I SS PE SL Oe SOE STL TIO Fa I Lt A, L. Huyek Do tw o POP Cer. Cons ‘ Grant, bargain,and se fey and confirm unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and as- Signs forever,all that certain. piece or parce] of land being part of the original Huyck tract in Pueblo tract No.l in said County and. State and more particularly ibed as follows: Beginning at a stake marked D.P. standing at the point of intersection of the ern line of the Alum Rock Avenue with tI Pala Rancho ,and running thence along Said Rancho 5.22a°..56’.%. 3.% hs toa 4 marked P.l.and standing at the common corner of Huyck and Fleming tracts in said east said Rancho; thence along the line between Sald original Huyek and Fleming tracts N.o 1,20 chs to a stake marked the fence corner in Said dividing line,from which point a white oak al 7 2 ~~ r om ) diameter and marked 5 i 2 ™ , 7 ; fZ ry 1/4° We 8.93 > a stake marked P.3,anc H and standing in the aforesaid Southern line of Said QUIS A EE EC Alum Rock Avenue, and thence along said last mentioned 72° 82. 6. B25 ; to the place of beginning, true, variation 16° , a ro pept. 2s Recorded The Commercial and Savings Of dan vos e:, a Corporation &c, Ap e317 51S ie (the property under search, and April 27 1876. Liber Page SO. Satisfied in full on margin of record June The Commercial and Savings Bank of San Jose,by B.D.Mur phy, its President, and duly attested by the County Recorde Cc’ panta Clara Valley Mill and Lumber Co. vs KF, Dotta and A. L. Huyck. Mechanic’s Lien. Dated June 21,1881. Notice of claim of lien for lumber furnished said Dotta in the construction &c.of building known as the Junction House &c, Recorded _Junes 21 186t . Liber B Mechanics Liens page 156. satisfied in full om margin of record Oct.27 YOO? ; LQ8S : by S.C.V.M.& L.Co. Jas.M.Thorpe secy." and duly attested Dy: the County Recorder. action to foreclose the above lien was commen .19,1881 in the Superior Court of the County Clara. and notice Lis Pendens recorded sept. 19, 1881,in the office of said County Recorder in Liber > of Lis. Pendens page 2135. Said cause is Case No, 6440, Register of Actions K page 454 and Sald action was dismissed on Register of Actions Oct.27,1883,by Chas. PW LeOoxr Atty tor plaintiff. ea - OLS ETS: eT. Tt te ee subdivision of part of the A. lL. Huyck Tract a > | Fry a) . NT ~ rn 7 ; > 4 - * 1. | = ; 7" in Pueblo Tract No.l,of the Pueblo Lands of the Cit of San Jose,surveyed September 1883, by Herrmann Bros Mich, 26,1884. Book B of Maps Page 7. he bs 8 The subdivision above and as shown on Plat in Abstract is situated within the boundaries of the land: conveyed to A,L.Huycek,by the City of 7 Tm by deed dated Feby.5th,1867 recorded in l Liber W of Deeds page 234, set forth at page Abstract. The acreage of the Lots as shown on plat, is the QO nr net acreage,and does not include any portion of the ANITAC Se Ua ete is A. L,. Huycek ro Louise Koppel. DE & Lu ee Cons 0/6, Grant, bargain,sell and convey unto the said party of the second part and to her heirs and assigns forever 5 her seperate property, All that certain piece parcel of land in the County of Santa Clara, State of California,and more particularly described as follows VIZ: All of Lot 12 of the A.L.Huyck Subdivision of Pue- bio Tract number one.of the Pueblo lands of the City t C* of San Jose,as surveyed by Herrmann Brothers September rr QQ cS Ce te a mn fin ! rn ~ = “ c ls8o,and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, said Lot containing 7 20/100 acres or lana. To have and to hold the same to second party ,a to her heirs 4nd assigns forever as her seperate property the consideration hereof being her seperate and individual money. Acknd. March o, 18% Before JD, ee Recorded March 16,1 Book 79 of Deeds Page L. Huycek arcmin John Tregoning. "the llth day of February in the ye: Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty five". Cons ,$698.40 _ Grant, bargain,sell and confirm unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forev- er.all that piece parcel or lot of land-in- the County ta Clara, state of California,v1z: of a part of the subdivision of the AL in the Pueblo tract of the Pueblo lands of the City of San Jose as mapped and surveyed by the Herrman Bros. sSept.1884,said map and survey be- ing recorded in the office of the Recorder of. the County of Santa Clara, Califormia, Said Lot. No.5 containing 8.75 acres of land. fo 2h Bey oK Acknd. ee Before Alfred Lansdell N.P. County of Santa barbara, a a ee ee ee POL SOS CS FS I ED LER LT BOC se BOD aE ces FE IE © Recorded — Mch.17,1885. ey Book /78 Deeds Page 167. PRL ee A OE PD) | John Tregoning Soe John Reedy. _ + Dated Mch.1/7,1880. ee een (% WA Grant, bargain,sell and convey unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever, all that certain‘ piece or parcel of land in:the :-County of Santa Clara,State of California,viz: The south Basternyone half of Lot No.5-of the A.vL. Huyek Subdivision of a part of.Pueblo tract of i the Pueblo lands of the City of San Jose,California, and being the S.h. one half of Lot 5 conveyed by. A.L. Huyek to John Tregoning,by deed under date of Feby.1ll, John Tregoning Mch.17, 1885, John Tregonning) i os Perter NP Mch.18,1885. 79-o0f Deeds: Page... 109. John Ready ; Rey ee Louise Koppel. Dated — Mch,.6,1886. tet _Cons.$590. | Grant ,bargain,sell and convey unto the said party of the second part and to her heirs and assigns for- ever all: that ceftain: piecs:.or parece) of land. in the County of Santa Clara,State of California,viz: The South Bast-ern one half-of- Lot NO.o of the ALL. Huyek Subdivision of a part of Pueblo tract of the Pueblo lands of the City of San Jose, state of Cal- ifornia,and being the South Hasterly one half of Lot 5 conveyed by A.L.Huyck to John Tregoning by deed under date of February 11,1880. To have and to hold the same unto the said party of the second part and to her heirs and assigns for- ever,as her seperate property. John Ready seal) (ERR Acknda. Mch.6,1886. Before D.J.Porter Recorded Mech. 00, Book 85 of Deeds Page J. C. Koppel and Louise Koppel ,his ) 40 Seton me a John Ready. To secure the payment of $380. Mortgages South Kast half of Lot 5 Huy vision. Recorded Mech, 50,1886. 3, ~~ 7 {> + be my Dacge Book 66 Mortgages Page ed in full on the margin of the record Nov.18, .Anderson,and duly attested by the County Recorder. The above mortgage is assigned by John Ready to H.H. Anderson by assignment of mortgage duly executed and acknowledged Sept.4,1886 by John Ready and recorded Sept.4,1886 in Book C of Assignments of Mortgages Page 517. ~y - oO In the Superior Court,County of Santa Clara State of Ga ilitrornia. Louisa Koppe vs J. GS. Koppel Action for Divorce. Casé No. S552. Reg.M p.425. Department No.2. 1389 a SE May 8 Complaint filed. Avers: Marriage of plaintiff and defendant on | August 29th 1869,in the City of san Francisco | State of California.and their continued resi- | dence in said State from the date of said imarriage to the present time. Alleges as grounds for divorce Abandonment tion,and cruel treatment. Prayvs: for. decree of divoree. custody of iminor children. J, °C. Black Atty for Compiaint duly. verified by: pilit. No t e ;: The following amendment to prayer of complaint,is endorsed on the complaint viz: Plff further prays that the separate prop- erty described in plffs Answer and defts.ans- wer,to defendants answer be set aside to plff, both real and personal property and if any community property plff.have her proportion thereof set aside to her. Summons issued, Demurrer of Deft filed. oummnons returned- not filed. Showing service upon deft.,June 10,1889. Demurrer withdrawn, tS 0a ans wer. —RECOrG: hb. GOL; Answer of deft.filed, general denial,and avers that the following described real property,1s community property of plff and deft. viz: Alt ‘of Lot 12 and thé South: Asif of: bot) of the A.L.Huyck Subdivision of Pueblo Tract No.l of the Pueblo lands of the City of San Jose,as surveyed by Herrmann Bros. sSeptr,.1885 containing in all 12 acres of land more or less (and a lot in Santa Cruz County) And as separate property of plff,the lot and dwelling house of deft.on which his family reside in the Caty of San Jose: Prays that plff take nothing by her action, That in the event a decree of divorce be eranted,that one half of the community proper- O + ty be awarded deft. Answer duly veri Answer of plff to Answer and oSS complaint OF MGT tt Ta Led. Denies allegations of answer of to community property and avers that same was purchased by plff.with her separate estate acquired by inheritance, Cause set for trial Nov. Cause on trial. P1Lff allowed to amend her com plaint,by adding thereto a prayer for the separate and community property. Cause submit- ted and oral decision from the bench in favor of plff,with order that findings and decree be prepared accordingly. Record L p.l2s. Findings and Conclusions of law filed. Decree entered and filed dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plff and deft. and awarding to plff as her Separate property house and lot in the City of San Jose .and lot in santa Cruz County. And awards to defendant as his share of the community property- All of Lot 12-o0f the AL. Huyck Subdivision of Pueblo Tract Number 1 of the Pueblo lands of the City of San Jose vas Surveyed by the Herman Brothers ,Sept.1883,a |map of which is recorded in the Recorders office of Santa Clara County said lot contain- ing. 7.20) acres of ‘land. Also all of that other tract of land situate in said County and State, being the South East- ern one half of Lot number 5 of the A.L.Huyck subdivision of a part of. Puepie tract No.1 ae ma) . the Pueblo lands of the City of San Jose,and | being the southeasterly one half of Lot 5, conveyed by A.L.Huyck to John Tregoning by deed dated February 11,1885,containing 5 acres ry subject to the payment by the defendant of the. 450.00 dollars and interest, due the estate ng id, being the balance of fof Said-Huyek trae; Judgement Book P. Judgement Docketed. Roll filed. = Te" , f= ab { ' a tr {> a cr ; oe qT pe Cerciried copy of foregoing cecres in the County Recorder’s office " 7 PRCOLGCEO Jany.6th 1891,in Book 58 of Miscellaneous C Records page 78. J, Us. Koppel Sg Ee ee oS Gertrude Schulte Trecutrix of the Last Will and Testament of B. Schulte deceased. Dated Mch. 26,1890. sma eee To secure the payment of $506. six months after date with interest at the rate.of 8 1/2 per cent per annum payable semi annually or compound. Mortgages Lot 12 and the South Eastern one half of of the Huyck Subdivision. Acknd. . 26,1890. es ea Before Karl Klein N.P. Recorded Book 92 Mortgages Page oO9. The above mortgage is assigned by Gertrude Schulte Tyecutrix aS above named to S.F.Leib,by assignment of head bm mortgage duly executed and acknowledged Mch. 26,1890, and recorded Mch.27,1890,in Book E of Assignments of oO AA le oy ¢ crc f yA . Mortgages at page aoa. Je G. Koppel eieotser 5 0 Joseph Tuers. MO RT GAG mene Dated Dec.27,1889. eee anos To secure the payment of $550.;0ne year after date with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum payable quarterly or to compound. Mortgages south hast one half of Lot 5 and all of Lot 12 -.0f Huyck Subdivision: in Pueblo: Tract No.l. Acknd,_ Dec 27,1889. — Before J.J.Sontheimer N.P. ore Recorded pept.25,1890. Liber 93 Mortgages Page Slo. mee ee J, ©, Koppel eo EO Bie Moses Koppel. Dated — To secure the payment of $850. one y« date with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum until paid. Mortgages:- South Hastern one half of all of Lot 12 Huyck Subdivision in Pueblo No.l. Acknd., eee Before J. E. Brown Book 98 Mortgages Ae eee tS emma otate Ve and County. Years PAID. Now a Lie NO ¢c JUDG NT LIN ~~ re ADS UPACT a=. —e of pages One to 40 inclusive, made weg pan Jose,Cal,June highteenth 1891, at Nine 0’ clo eed A saber SAN JOSE ABSTRACT TITLE AND ; CO edt) ee at . ) Ly NAD ; f ( gf TRUST COMPANY. Manager. LS ee be ee $$ a 1HE-S AME Pr a OSes Lome iT BO I-8-G BU Re. Be. CONTINUED TAXES. Se ATR mr GaP NN. Eee Lot 12 and South Fast 1/2 Lot 5 of Subdivision. Fiscal years. 1891-92 Real Estate Tax None Tax on Mortgage Interest created by 92 M 509 Botkin stallments PALD Tax on Mortgage Interest created by 935 M 515, First In- stallment PAID Tax on Mortgage Interest created by 98 M 9 First Install ment delinquent Amount $1.48, 15 % to be added. NO @PUPGQeRE NT 24 1 — $$$ L The foregoing ContinuaBion consisting of pages |\.> tol{ inclusive, Pe a4 JW, 1891 at 9 o'clock A.M. 4 made at SAN JOSE,CAL. December SAN JOSE ABSTRACB, TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. te > \ es ‘ any Chica COD Wi / > Manager LAW OFFICES JNO. R. JARBOE, Rooms 7, 8 anp 9, 230 MontGomEry STREET. Cured, LOW nd advise P.O. Box No. 2479. TELEPHONE 1140. CABLE ADDRESs: JARBOE, SANFRAN. SAN FRANCISCO, you San Jose, 867 sf ©O 0 > i S an fO So (eo OEE S 1 om oo QGLisMmLsSsea, LeLllL page + 8 portion think i + 1 , LiII€é are matters a very serious deeds set a Si a ce aa eae Ss ese aeeas were made ~ + “” : ~~ ~ ~ ~ + ] w« property presumptive Ly + hus dand. divorce A demree of divorce was entered in this case on the 4th of Last December, but no notice of the entry of judgment or decision of the case seems ever to have been given by either party to the other. A motion for a new trial could be made at any time, or an appeal can be taken on the judgment roll within the year. Mr. Koppel’s attorney must See that these things are and submitted to me to show that they have been done satisfaction, before the trade is closed. If this can not be done, I would not advise you to purchase the property, un- Less you get a deed from both the husband and wife--that is, from Koppel and wife. There are several mortgages upon the property, on pa&es which must be satisfied before you can close Now, be sure you are right about this matter, take any further steps without consultation with me. must remember that you are an astronomer, and al men do not Live off one another, so there is this matter for services. You have never answered bx conundrum about the apparent lengthening and shortening of the days. Please do it some time. The term Pueblo, E meaning t& city ee town, and pueblo ds of y are simply those which obtained by virtue of being a city, -- as this Land, which pueblo land of the = neither better nor worse than that of ot ands, and th part of the,City of San Jose. The ti pueblo Lands <> ws ADDRESS ANSWER VIA SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. \ (LICK OBSERVATORY,) University of California, MOUNT HAMILTON, a Mj Foe i AL gee Cag \ SAC Aaa Ae qraruver of Ltvtstoie ore iba Sy yo at aCe a gee DET aL AW Pi Fern ot the HUY CH FANCH WLLa ec Le h a Lela MA } icon OANJOSE CITY LANQS, i Yaa veyed TAGE Wn ttin ——— op theowners March 4% haf 2) a : ea ‘ WSL aatenrD eg . Sp og Herrmann Bros. i SUPVEYORS 6 CE. eg SANSIOSE. 7 r Cotivornia, . en ee 4 a : eA e : x c Cay pes SCA ke Ich-lolinch \ es tu — | / ee A Wa art svyvoro te 6eforemme LVesley ZL. ery xe a Votary Abiblic Fa tack Vaca Aien TALES OA oe oN a Si ly NS crs le the Lacks seé- \/ s : , é , } : . | ALA LA ‘2 Tea erdipreadlye 5 a ve een Pro ae ae & Jae eae Jf ful 1@ te foregotirg Cerliyredale, VM ae . x : | ond a7tard are the Present? owners o Lot LY J erg O£ the OUbBQALVISE tt Wart Ay. ? hs GA e 0UOAtVISLO/? Of Lhe BAUM he CLLICL? tir Pueblo a ea ia ~Ne 7, Sar TOY YET Fo ke -) ELTEONE RT | j ce BE CA aad es i Lesko ee orded (7 Book B of ET ES Vira Rene T eRe ey Cocerety Fe i j. : i EA tors 2 a $3 | order of Santa OF Te) County " ag We da ourdeeds LS Lakes) Soa, Yd | iy | ‘aualase ore sori \ or ey Calh rrr = @ : daplaaditehd Wraly sh 6 vs orate, Oleg I } a4 | ; Dphoweine death TET AM aed ae os Veale ws oy y Fey Wag s D- FA e ea | Ae e Bm 54 "pn oe reg ae i hah athe atte RA EL bod No pL ETON e DRO EEL a EET MOA IGS Rage SRO et a eR ee aldo eng: cleerung [a aow) language alates A a ad foo o La Blom aao taeda of conveyer N p . ig mn Av my a ee | Sore np an ee ha rmalaoe a we wert on The aero le A baad 422/892 with Vr Chas Herrma : MY e ad io F i = LO ral leh AML Lyros., Ourveyors § CL, of SanrJsose, eT avo after agreeing thet the Line cattiirg Lot/V? 5 Maha TWO egual parts should OW alge L Lite lo the VA Othe WESTER Line and the SOUTH-LASTE ad IV Line 4 said Rea, hoy i have said Mr.Chas.H errmann ag Tad aged Ae eco surveys Co ak Need LOK egy Be Nag Age OE That he then set- Lhe corners marked STR EEB fi PTR) oy ee at N.£.¢ad and S.Wenad Mae Me Agee hae Baer | | f Sar~cdose, LICC, 2277909. a Gf hese a eae oer ie i Phe a Sai A aia eat 5 - ® , Notary 2 cs a atid for Re ae cs of es 4 Z J a a 2-£ ~ af a ; | ae » a = * py ¥ - es - - . ye o at Be, Ae aL, ¢ Corvrsrr aL. Ki set-CL tao 7c ; CLELE * ard as showa on the accon panyiry Map, the ers Tare hae Lene Aas ever an tov LL aee acknowledged eek age (Aare (aa lire between the /N. VA at) oreo and the ow te 4 Rola vi RAS oF Ot aie , ; vay N2 5; that such dividiirg line és Fes ana ot Ta ae oy Ry rele eye 77 accom reo idEe) Whe lard and lhat ne now acknowledge such MA P as Yat ae) Fs a whoever may clawun or Cee tille uneler or fromus Poeiee Cae A Seep i ie Dec 2201909 Sl mas a? , Cee 4 f c M Veale 3 Hs 7” SI sQ20O5 x 1 BlZO bd J SEQ: Zz Sete, reartre Bros Ser weyors a as. SMY TOs A.T. HERRMANN. CHAS. HERRMANN. Es Sy tn ON et eeeE se ah eee Ee. An ee, Te AX ae \ Ss YUU ES VLAN ENG SS a a 4 e a = a + ts = 2h , ~~ i e hi J % y “® | | OFFICE OF J A EN ae pe | pee ot meer anlt ov h haa So) ts UN q — SiH A. = J Y | we a % estes | ; ye “i f 7 ‘ A ° « “ Pe Re. \ eR SY st } + 2G. YN v a A BL DAA =1f) 1 U, Mj Yi Uff Vij ‘ i = ES/t* > = 7 Gor r iT zZ } f / / ed WE Rie NS Z “ Tae g s A : “a < N ee ‘i =X fis aN © 5 fi St as ; °%%, y y se ay A AAW 4 Pr z ee “is ‘ 7 f 77S aS } Nea bi i SX THA. « A G ‘ | Surveyors;and Ora Engineers, = . 6 fer ics 3 =" ; d, , - couNTY NAS ees No Oh a alone Ss | SURVE ESTABLISHED 1866 § GN CAG PRS, “SNANY RS eee oe <0 ~s QS jy ae a oe Fae ANTA CLA WN Org N EERE Hi ANT Nites Cit — | » inall its Branches, Z 7c Wa lina V. Nak PAE RN IA COMPIL NUNCA og. VATE Y AS | US sunveYs: couNry REcORDS ISNT FN, FNS foe Soe SEZ 8 BOUNDARY CONTESTS A SPECIALTY, Privare_sunvers DON Supe 2 EET NS | Sy r WInaareY JY AR a Pee Te, sewerace.conmiuns. SALW OSE, CAs HON. BOARD cr SUPERVISORS 1890 TOPOGRAPHICAL WORK. “eres. 2 Md Dia Dett wmarkid SORE Ban “te. Laz 7 poe Rea ee ag peony he tira Leong Medved SIP? 20 It 1:06 aled LA GO) ZI ftw Lernmen corzeer Zor OPE O— ed ia” Vhe Gf taeeee- SV 0eged amok alder ee ere Zid ditzaratiop Wweeree. DOIG Ae ferree_ one ie L2V 071 G e wcll Giarrad bf bats side A. 24 Jy "12. 775 ots 22. Pie wile celviore P bre ue ad Oc ie Lacttinsin te Magee Ad ORL tack. LEA@ hey. oe eee aiweeeé Ubige Gin Jb LEF/2 Ch Joie Corzeer fF bata CAO and ft ee |W tte ale, CO EBLE pai DS Lek: wattle, Of DA VOCE, 5 ES elas BE ee Mute t22007Kd SLA FY arcciorag wee "Ze. Cez2e 2% 22- rhe Mee ee acyore Pegeceoke Bec pe 2a hh Ob 2 dts FFF LALZLLELZ O22 ezec2 f’, OO tense eae Sy eiped (Aaa le actacsaaa Yh EA Bo lOc? ted 72 Cac? £9. oi Pilypes | er eng tr Sareea Saee Coankg ( bocertes pore, Cer. lt Yee Areal Wimot. (1 © / G3 2 ty Klis ZAP? 2-222 ae s A.T. HERRMANN. CHAS. HERRMANN. Se ~ CA Tet = : Se ae a “> N 2 ss 2 \ =a we uf 4 | St. SY Bait Wen = eo) ee \ aS | ; OFFICE OF ZL, i Ws Pe “Sn : i f wn A oh ah a 72 = | = - = - ras 4 res Py te fac aft S- - a t ¥ Ot : WN Z : oy r ur / a = se ) A ~ So , = ee erotiged Rare SARS 4 © UNIVERSITY . q ‘ | Ae ° Ni A pt A SS XS a Ne te ee > => P:/7 ~ 1 E ass TACLARE / LAMM IE A) Surveyors and Civil Engineers, ESTABL/SHED 1866 —> b or £ o COUNTY i AY SOOO SS co | an SURVE : SAN ARA AU Veg ‘s Daly a Y SAY : NG * LAND ol y YING ‘ 4 Sh — ff 7 j eae VP Casi hee \ Ahi ee es \© inallits Branches,©7 IF Wiantini Teck: US. sunveYS-COUNTY pegoRDS » IL EP RAN FON EA SIDES | BOUNDARY CONTESTS A SPECIALTY, PRivare suRvevs Faia = ZY’ Vere oe me CN 7 ar a CIV Wy AW | HON, BOARD or SUPERVISORS WG ip. ; < “/- ~ . NR bicSe i ~ | SEWERAGE z COM PI LI N G g Ay AL > AWD S Ly 9 i Lat ‘A PY) — oO : ‘ ¥ AL FETS ; : ~ TOPOGRAPHICAL WORK. Koh sh ™ Wz ‘ey na HERRMANN BROS SURVEYORS 4 C2 | onawe 6 Cail Tn thy. a Oereranieal Myeaning BD a Ox6 force (izar Hid SN. Maree, na naveds ent Corner for Le J -O-29 auth Cee Libdteceeen A, 39/ YP fl. Ef 3 c¥es. Co Ba -BaA fer Cott Ke salen NZ. dX cataille iladea OZ eo ttever. o1t thee aleve grup Fecz2ed tecLZeee’d yf kL ris core LZ Accs BELLO Lute Leap’ Ol O Gf C2éH# Hutonwerguan IEA. 4.10 eft. 15 a Nahe trartid S72, Haaracliy oe Poe to LoeK cee. ZO the hha te bcwnds Hane Ol EE - OL ois wth Feta wwe OS LF 20 LO Lh 2 ets. C0 2D BAO pr107 kbd SB 2 LY zt o2 LZ LY 7 Stee te. LV tl0V OB. Ze Let L200 Celaeel2e LSCOCAL Ants Zo Lt Oop Ozt cre LEPC 2depreara LLL 2 Jot. eeacig Levers. Cceree Ary Gp A PORL 56 Lhe wade FE OT fy Le. Le filace ZL 2eecal above prerveerecn. ecer2ttl, thtpee ete ara ive A Knee ore thie. LiPo? ty Be LE Oe tad DO Cezeke Lt0A0. PCOOGQ, JYGL, 44G ats SS PEO 2a PV 2 4 eon wg tne Foe mee: Lefivecze. Coed Cand fy Me Hey oh tvor2ep ltd thee¢e tere fv FP Sze ie. ated) focrey e724 2S LaeCA “2a 2 AP CELE terd road and Cats AD bAY SOF 20 WATE cfs, poor Pah Of Hue OLPIOIPLOLL corner for OFS O-T7 Ara pe gf He eo hago Rt oul onirvinn Levee cole 219 “ne te2ce. bePovecn der, Co 6 ard YS APF ORO KC. 62 203 7 72 BaAb gorazhtd SBA PV ora ag Y fle BObratbin Gf Mee Cera teszoveln tivted (220 0 arwtl 7 Z2v¢7€ a2 fence Wunee along eeaiat ferroe SLFBLSCE'E 6.52 alos a7 place GE A &ep error: ee Le erg “USL2. aor tram A fart of CAE baad J Gf Fee Leb Ater'2 oeeze _ PA2t0f- BP GLCEF — LIZ one. CH LF. L722 pe Te ie pts ZG2G Lirmegere oe JZ 5 + : Zs - ns Lae, Pp igtawe ae 7 — —" v : ah ie Sesh fee : 6 af / bat pol beh st A 4 To 4 ey oP rh . 5 an pia eh dell ty q 1 . >, (hey at x eOnae : 7," tt * A’ SBS a a " Aa pat ie Stes poe o ar a, Sets ps ' f \ eit 2 ; és is ej 4 oa eH Ate = 4 0 vy % f iH * + ‘3 r Wa JT pt fe *p) Gj . . r “ us . ‘i | by ee os Re a ae ae USES SIM tp Bee o ttn pa stoke ae 7 as inelat) at ; / : ; ana eee Ar hint i arab EA a ast ry Bh ee ake g Lory eta tee ar Pee eo < Hea sh eaioees peere | . Pat 4 eae ( ; iene Be Ba ep Soa nl Ress ahd neces bite Peeekpacen® ht Re ees Bie rie Rie tet ties bey Sica peas atest ee at BA nea a She Sie Ss sat be aot es eb ATS ee oi) Sb Pye» ie td Sas ee re 13] Neel ee, CR ad eta iis sah BAS “ Bg ; ele ah Lat F ACR PERS alder hes ein iP th ’ H rhe Ped hes ES teat RIN ob RF: “i ie eee a qe | me 3 =) abe iy) > - i " se Lo a ¥ 4, 5 cs ” Ete Jt H i . neat , ae es at ogee genes ¢ Ppt St r ie Rae Pi bbc eo p20 i 44 wt) Ga ah ‘ te “ A * a Mb MATT at iy eedenieees Uinta haba A ORAS aes tect erecea oes ae a Pap aaee scabs ets aan tale cay ERR at pe iaateee HENS we ph aR it ru Lt S iy aH mates phases - 13 oh Ago i pa eben fb a Or tT) ts oe IEE a: th Sry it; Syts % Bae Sh nine ss Srp ht aabat anere Lukt bana bi rom fy vi ea acca yeaa Sian Meena nates Pear te UMA St rh i fp ‘i a rn ap aes Herta ay all et Need iu a Re ee 7 bef! “ : a : Oy GF Trg fp ea es Bras tenet he ta if si meister: Vee ~ = a br ape +h os A CS Freee ee. cages ale 2 q A et ; ae] . $ : ? a y Sabt hicahearea re a 5 ety arts meas not ne bd r é Te a ~ +o a he = Rae ie rt if 1 a, - ee et 4 : T-4i3 lh res pers bid ae Hy 4" eaten A 7 b iy 1 Rb es | Pa a Pets St Albarn fee Sip re : f Pus Anbar ery te 1) a tthe ee cot ! 2 ; aM Petey rite cegresit yal h td eats ete rie fit j pa ' F ey Osi Abate: th rao —o 3 eee ei > ax . 5 +. ee : oe ares a i 5 Sisco t Rashes ‘i ; * ut Lie ea ie wat Jay ia ea haat bass oe ' <=; ; eae fea: Sr) WAEGAi ei nrdah ence ae Reet a i WN oe i 4 Wi oes ‘a = o rt as ete ati ; eRe oEt ce ; ocd TT Preah ee ts setae Beda Piles 414 bo beading Wom acer i cace x" Pee De tiles Th ae: es meh SI cr been Wh tote etre OE te ee a lee PPS edt ie i Mate OM Wa tte oak oa Le bee rh aeatt) | CPS VY EL ed po = iis Sha ead a 43 Ss ” ie: a % oe Sete Ala Go uted cab Dip aly We Petr paces ee san crete ST a Pash ibe sive per eie aaa De te Ae ae 6 i” ; lapis i i AES ie iy Feat ist) ay A ve a paar oe | a ‘ reat i ea His py abibebat trea ty ; Bx tas Seer ev nee iv a oe a | | eevee LUgte tet a ~ ge ee Kel Par vee ’ pss A alee ae ae re i ey if Sera ooe atts ee , 7 zo TT a} Se a.) er pas Peet = Dad v7 ysis a eee peeks bi ety re Rein ee fal hays a3; = ' dss 5 er Pao eens att pot ir s ter soey 3 hier ut de iid * . a > 7 A eS if A bed wth] a a 3 - ry anomie Lae) Be Nb tain th Peas eit eel y ab y cotiaaes a ay Fi iy ate $3 “i r #, pes ot hte ans Pore lee ay Laer eae ah Lite meee ee ny ey * Fe Bote O dl are i i! Dar i r f i if a Lee vs wry ie erat ’ , 4 533 Me rsd aet & M, Sui ¥ ye 1D rel 4 FAS bt ak teeth ‘ we Sets eek a 2 r } 4 ” . ed te bie z ort > © ~ ; , aon } : .. uy ae irl . eeu eMe Moh ear ir ween mane Eeiny tango lu im tired diate heey bile Tat aaa ote 2 he ip Polit ts ” ‘, sae Mage sh ety hy {ae by Ghat yege ys et ' Hs i re ac wnt SE Sel 5 i re 7 } Pets bs i boat rt Te eae Vinten d tl SY aifee oe odors Tite TORO LRM RES e Reh ea pee a Fe eee ee mth aly ie} d by aly Vets y : a ; my Vit ote RS pea er et rE ay Pe Soi aa A Gee shatsrtD rey Use Rett ot bl B ae ol Rhee a eiae etree Shy ct ea rt ec aa : bee FP MS pe ip ve a , ot rd d ees | ieee THURS Cite nae CE AMG TEPC ina ert S Mu Nadir Feeley Eel Gal feng Gy Gv enreaae uy POG : f Mapet 5 724° ey : et i a ah AP tech 3 a Seta e daa lant: Rs = } of. te Pet ee at ae Sap SALE 7 u Tia t thas it by 4 a Se - r} ip ety > : ae G 5 bey 2 j ae : } arth: on Oe Py J 4 : 1. ¥ rit st ta ide abet! ‘ b 1h rv i ; 7 y R * } k 0 om tts ates fi ts en 1 . si $ “ - me : stead nett h p : Rye toed Aaa Pa e) ) x “4 oo! Py OL yi ay) Ym eh red Be be , een tt rr beeen? ptt Ste is bl iste ta * Fi A . “ih a1 orth. , : ep " Pe ans ; pr os : tity ee ree Oot 3 ~O soe My ces A po Re ORD Ny t Sets ms SD sexs Ct ae : ted i % ped nt pete eieh Hh Lis Pera 4 Pa ih Hie a 52! , Po Pree Ae ' Nd Ve i oe boa pe et Pee Ne an uj 7