MDD UINCTDUUI CL TTOCUL0(TCCU) (10 QL) CLL CD Mo erties eee cee Wilt i ia a ee A In as ITO UO COO TT no GLENDINING & Co. mn —— weft il mM T| \7, ARGYLL STREET, LONDON, W.1 TOCA ND Cn scat: eamcaaalaian MUNCH TO IO 0 OD iit ii TD Hl ti ni TO MOOT OD mm TOMO oO TD TD MOON ONO mm MOO Oo tN iene oe ti) im Catalogue of ENGLISH GOLD AND MO MAT = SILVER COINS HHH iH WUAny UU TO Oe este e aaa Hit tt Ui SNOUT iil (i) rn an miu MAM OOD TT 0 mon rT AH WOTTOUU pga fnua A aca CO TOOT) “ i MDT mo TTC UH Ce WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION ON ooo ta TUESDAY, APRIL 6th, 1943 TAH au "Hu fil ai at 1.30 p.m. prompt il ri . puereer On View Monday prior and Morning of Sale. fi nm |/'1111,1!1 0 i agen eee i 000 TT ae ee iT iii CONDITIONS OF SALE. First.—The highest bidder to be the buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. SECOND.—No person to advance less than ls.; above five pounds 5s.; and so on in proportion. THIRD.—AI! lots are put up for sale subject (a) to any reserve price imposed by the seller and (6) to the right of the seller to bid either personally or else by any one person who may be the Auctioneer. FOURTH.—The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more in part of payment, or the whole of the purchase-money. if required; in default of which the lot or lots so pur- chased to be immediately put up again and resold. FirrH.—Each lot is believed to be genuine, but should any lot prove to be a forgery, or reprint, or wrongly described in the catalogue, the purchaser is at liberty to take or reject it, provided always that notice of such rejection be made and the lot returned within seven days from date of sale. S1xTH.—The auctioneers will not hold themselves responsible for any action that may arise, acting solely as agents _between buyer ana seller and for both equitably. The Auctioneers do not hold themselves responsible for the safe custody of any lots left more than three days after the date of Sale. Please Note. The metal in which the coins are struck is indicated thus: — A’ =gold, AR=silver, A2=copper or bronze. El=Electrum (an alloy of gold and silver). Bl=Billon (an alloy of silver and copper). Care is taken to describe accurately the condition of coins and medals, using the following scale: Extremely fine, Very fine, Fine, and Good. Where no condition is stated it may be assumed that the coins and medals are not in good condition. CATALOGUE OF GOLD and SILVER COINS Day of Sale Tuesday, April 6th, 1943 At, 1.30 pan. PROPERTY OF A COLLECTOR. GOLD COINS 1 Macedon. Philip II, Stater, m.m. thunderbolt, struck at Pdla 2 Persia, Daric, of usual type. Very good 3 Roman, Julius Cesar, veiled bust of Pietas r.; rév. sacrificial implements (Coh. 30). Fine 4 Nero, laur. head r., rev. Augustus and Livia standing side by side (C.42). Fine ur Titus, laur. head r., rev. Fortuna standing on cippus (C. 165). Very good 6 Antonius Pius, draped bust r., rev. COS. III Aequitas (C. 234). 7 Antoninus Pius, laur. head r., rev. T.R. POT. XIX COS. IIII, Emperor |. holding orb (Coh. —). Fine Fine : 8 Faustina Senior, head r., rev. AETERNITAS, Providence stand- ing 1. (Coh. 35 var.). Very good ico) Marc Aurelius, young head r., rev. TR. XIII. POT. COS. II. Apollo standing 1. (Coh. 735). Very good ui 10 10 0 14 0 Z. “6 1 10 3 10 5 0 a De 7 | 2 6 1 & 3 0 1 MDs 4 15 5S 3 2 15 9 0 0 0 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 ae 23 24 Z Maximianus Hercules, laur. head r., rev. CONSUL IIII, P.P. PRO COS SMAE Emperor in toga 1., holding orb (Coh. 80). Very fine Valens, solidus, diad. bust r., rev. RESTITUTOR REIPU- BLICAE Emperor standing (Coh. 31), struck at Antioch. Very fine ZENO, helmeted bust facing, rev. VICTORIA AVCCCI-CONOB Victory 1. (Sabatier 1). Fine Justinian I, vev. VICTORIA AVCCCS-CONOB Victory facing (Sab. 2). Brilliant Focas, rev. VICTORIA AVCHE, similar type (Sab. 1), and an- other, with AUCHI. Both extremely fine Constans II and Constantine IV, rev. VICTORIA AVS HO- CONOB cross on steps (Sab. 1). Very fine Constans II and his sons Constantine IV, Heraclius and Tiberius, the two last on vév. standing on either side of long cross (Sab. 17). Very fine Tiberius III Absimarus, diad. bust facing with spear, rev. VICTORIA AVSHO cross on steps (Sab. 1). Very fine and rare John I Zimisces, emperor crowned by the Virgin, rev. bust of Christ (Sab. 1). Very fine Constantine VIII, crowned bust facing, holding labarum, rev. bust of Christ (Sab. 3). Fine Indo-Scythic. Kanerkes, stater, King standing 1., rev. MIIPO Withras 1. (B.M.C., Pl. XXVI, 10). Very fine Kadphises II, double stater, half-length figure of King 1., rev. Siva, facing; behind, humped bull. Very rare Kushan, stater, standing deity 1., rev. seated figure. Very fine Guptas, Chandragupta II, stater, King on horseback 1., rev. goddess seated |. (Calc. Mus. Cat. I, pl. XV, 15). Very fine AUSTRIA: Francis Joseph, 4 ducat piece, 1915, broad flan. Ext. fine 26 27 ' 28 29 30 31 32 - 33 34 35 36, 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Another, similar. Very fine A third, similar. Very fine 20 Francs (8 florins) 1878, for Hungary, and Jubilee 20 kronen, 1908. Both extremely fine 10, Francs (4 florins) 1884, for Hungary, and ducats (2), 1915. Very fine Ducats, 1915 (2). Very fine BRAZIL: John V, 20 Milreis, 1726, of Minas. Extra fine Another, similar. Very fine CUBA: 10 and 5 Pesos, 1916, head of Marti. Both very fine FRANCE: Louis XIV, Louis, 1693, struck at Montpellier Louis XVI, Double Louis, 1786, Bordeaux. Very fine Louis, 1786, and 1787, Paris, and 1788, Nantes. Fine Napoleon I, 20 Francs, 1812, Paris Charles X, 40 Francs, 1824, Paris. Fine Napoleon III, 100 Francs, 1857. Very fine 50 Francs, 1858. Very fine 20 Francs, 1862, 1865 and 1868. Very fine 20 Francs, 1868, 10 Francs, 1866, and 5 Francs 1856. Fine 5 Francs 1860 and 1868, large size, 1854 and 1855, small size. Fine ae Third Republic, 100 Francs, 1903. Very fine 100 Francs, 1904. Very fine 100 Francs, 1912, very fine; and 10 Francs, 1896 GERMAN EAST AFRICA; Obsidional 15 Rupees, 1916, struck at Tabora. Very fine 2 ine) 24 24 10 on 16 16 0 0 10 an 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 io) ui 10 26 16 10 10 10 10 0 47 48 49 60 61 62 63 64 66 4 GERMAN STATES: Saxe-Weimar, John Ernest and his seven brothers, ducat, 1614 (Rm. 658). Very good Bavaria, Otto, 10 marks, 1904 German Empire, William I, 20 marks 1872, 10 marks 1873, and 5 marks 1877. Fine’ William I, 20 and 10 marks, 1888, year of death. Very fine Frederich, 20 and 10 marks, 1888. Exteremely fine Frederich, 10 marks, 1888, and another of Frederich. of Baden, 1879. Very fine William II, 20 marks, 1888, year of accession, and 1914, last bust. Extretmely fine Wurttemberg, Charles 10 marks, 1891, and 5 marks, 1878 GREAT BRITAIN: George II, five guineas piece, 1729, E.I.C., young head. Fine . George III, ‘‘shield’” guineas, 1774 and 1786 George IV, Two Pound piece, 1823. Fine Sovereign, 1830 Victoria, Australian sovereign, 1868, Sydney mint. Fine ~ Sovereigns, 1844 and 1872. Very fine Half-sovereigns, 1853, 1857, 1858, 1859, a proof, 1871 and 1873. All fine Five Pound piece, 1893, old head, by T. Brock. Very fine Edward VII, sovereign, 1903. Very fine HUNGARY: Wladislaus I, ducat, St. Ladislas standing. Fine Francis Joseph I, 20 corona, 1892. Extremely fine INDIA: Moorshedabad Mohur of Shah Alum, and third. Both very fine 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 76 Tg) 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 5 Native state, mohurs (2). Very fine 2 Bengal, Presidency, Mohur. Extremely fine ITALY: Naples, Charles of Anjou, carlino, rev. The Annuncia- tion. Fine : Naples, Murat, 20 Lire, 1813 Milan, Napoleon I, 40 Lire, 1814. Extremely fine Another, similar. Very fine Sardinia, Charles Felix, 20 lire, 1828 Venice, Zechinf (2) of Aloisio Mocenigo, and Paolo Ranier. Both very fine 2 ~ JAPAN: Yoshihito (1912-26) 20 yen. Extremely fine Mutsahito (1867-1912) 20 yen, two types. Very fine 2 5 yen (3), varied, and one yen. All very fine ; 4 MEXICO: Maximilian, 20 Pesos, 1866. Scarce MONACO: Albert I, 100 Francs, 1891, by O..Roty. Fine THE NETHERLANDS: Ducats (2), 1800 and 1818, standing Knight. Very fine Z Ducat, 1828, of same type as last, and 5 gulden of William I, 1827 2 PURIUGAL: Maria and Pedro III, Pesa of 1785, Rio. Very fine Maria, Pesa of 1788, Rio. Fine RUSSIA; Alexander III, 5 Roubles, 1885, St. Petersburg. Ex- tremely fine Alexander III, 5 Roubles, 1889, with portrait, and Nicholas II, 5 Roubles, 1899 and 1900 3 SIAM: A Ticals (2), weight } oz, 9 ut _ y 2 AO bp ive} & 87 SPAIN: Isabella II, 100 Reales 1862, 4 Escudos (2) 1865, and 2 Escudos (2) 1865. Fine 5 88 Alfonso XII, 25 Pesetas, 1878. Very fine 89 Another, 1880, and 20 Pesetas, 1890, with baby portrait of Alfonso XIII. The last very fine ; 90 SWEDEN: Oscar II, 5 kronor, 1886 and 1901. Very fine 2 91 SWITZERLAND: 20 Francs, 1886, and two French 20 Franc pieces, of 1901 and 1913, chaplain’s type. Fine 3 92 TRANSVAAL: President Kruger, Ponds of 1897 and 1898. Fine ' 10 | ~I 6 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 0) 10 0 0 0 93 94 96 a7) 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Ponds 1898 (2). Very fine Others (3), two of 1898, and Machadadorp blank. U.S.A.: Double Eagle, 1865. Double Eagle, 1897 Double Eagle, 1913, St. Gaudens’ type. Double Eagle, 1928, similar. Eagle, Eagle, Eagle, Eagle, Eagle, Eagle, Eagle, Eagle, Very fine 1800, bust of Liberty. Fine 1801, similar type. Fine 1844. Fine and rare 1874. Fine 1880. Fine 1881. Fine 1886. Very fine 1897. Very fine Half Eagles (2) 1849 and 1880. Fine Half Eagles (3) 1882, 1892 and 1897 Extremely fine 109 110 i 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122, 123 124 125 7 Half Eagles (2) 1908 and 1912, incuse Indian head Quarter Eagle, 1861, and Dollars 1851 and 1853, small size Dollar, 1851, pierced, 1862 (2) and 1888, large size, and Californian } dollar VATICAN CITY: Pius XI, 100 Lire, 1929, in mint state MEDALS: Victoria, 21st Anniversary of the Volunteer Move- ment, 1881, vev. St. George, presented to Lieut.-Col. William Stallard, from his brother officers, wt. 4 ozs. In brilliant state, in case The Kaiser I Hind Gold Medal for Public Service in India, monogram of Edward and Alexandra, with bar and riband, wt. 24 ozs. Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society Gold Medal, 1859, presented to Capt. Wm. Hyster Thompson, S.S. England, and silver medal of the Mercantile Marine Service Associa- tion, 1877, awarded to the same recipient Mint specimen set of coins, Edward VII, 1902, five pounds to Maundy penny, in official case of issue in proof state ‘ A similar mint set, George V, 1911, proof state George III, “‘spade’’ guinea, 1793, and garter half-guinea 1801.. - Both fine George 1V, sovereign, 1823, and another of William IV, 1832 U.S.A., double Eagle, 1897, head of Liberty type. Very fine Another, 1911, St. Gaudens’ type. Extrémely fine U.S.A., eagle, 1826, Indian eel Extremely fine. U.S.A., silver, dollar 1879, 25 cents (4), dimes (9), 1821 small date, rare, very fine; half-dimes (4); Canadian 25 cents, 10 cents (6), and Philippine Islands 10 cents, 1907 Shillings, from William and Mary to Victoria (13), and sixpences, Anne to Victoria (11). Some in mint state Edward IV, Rose Noble, m.m. crown. Fine 13 12 26 24 §&, 16 yan ly 4 5 8 0 56 (O 32 0 16 0 42 0 46 0 5 0 5 10 16 10 16 10 at) 1 6 2 5 4 15 0 0 0 0 10 18 0 17 0 10 10 " ae 10 0 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 140 141 S Roumania, Charles I, 50 Lei, 1906, Jubilee type. Extremely fine Hungary, Kremnitz gold St. George Medal (1618-48), issued during the Thirty Years’ War, as talisman to cavalry officers, with ring for suspension, very fine and very rare Taler of Ernst August of Hanover, 1848; Proof 5 drachmai of Alfonso XIII, 1898; Quarter taler of bishop Rudolf John of Olmeitz, 1820, and other silver coins, varied. Fine 10 Transvaal, President Kruger set, 5/- 1892, 24/- 1897, 2/- 1896, shilling 1897, sixpence 1897 and threepence 1893. All fine 6 Elizabeth, a medalet on the defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1589; Med. Ill. I, 153-128, in mint state, rare Napoleon I, 5 Francs 1811, Paris; Pope Clement X, 1671 testone; Brabant, Leopold II, 1792, 4 couronal, and Java 1788, rupee. All fine 2%, se Roman Republican denarii, varied. Mostly fine 29 Roman Imperial denarii, from Pompey to Caracalla. Many fine 33 Roman antoniniani, varied oT Roman first brass of various reigns 42 Roman second brass, varied E 42 Roman third brass, folles, etc. about 240 A miscellaneous lot of foreign AZ, including medals, etc. 62 Greek colonial coins, etc., of various states and cities, an interest- ing lot, many fine 31 Arcadius, solidus of Constantinople, diad. bust r., rev. CON- CORDIA AVGGGE, Roma seated facing, cf. Roth sale, cat. 3, raré with three G’s, extremely fine eyeraey solidus, rev. SALVS REIPVBLICAE, Victory seated , holding shield inscribed with Christian monogram (Sab. 9), from the Boyne and O’ Hagan sale, fine and very rare, ae hole above head 142 146 147 148 149 150 151 , 152° 153 154 159 160 9 Puicheria, tremissis, rev. cross within wreath (Sab. 7-100 Frs.). Fine and very rare Justinian the Great, solidus, rev. VICTORIA AVGGGE. Ex- tremely fine Focas, solidus, rev. Victory standing facing. Extremely fine Theodora, nomisma, + OEOAWPA AVCOVSTA Theodra and the Virgin standing side by side, rev. Christ standing facing (Sab. 1-200 Frs.). Extremely fine and very rare George IV, sovereign, 1821. Very fine Sovereigns, 1822 (2) Transvaal, Kruger Pond and } Pond, 1892, struck in Berlin, with OS on truncation Half Ponds, 1895 (2) and Pond, 1898. The last very fine Pond, 1900, very fine; and Machadadorp, blank, scarce France, Napoleon, 1806, 20 Francs, and Napoleon III, 20 Francs, 1857 and 1865 Spain, Charles III, 2 Scudi, 1788, Madrid Germany, William I, 20 marks, 1883, 1884 William II, 20 marks, 1900, 1910, and 1914, the last of new type, with bust Bavaria Otto, 20 marks, 1895 Hamburg, 20 marks, 1877, 1887, and 1899 Elizabeth, angel, m.m. cross on both sides. Very fine Charles I, tower shilling, type 5, m.m. sceptre; York shilling, m.m. lion, vév. square shield; James I, shillings, second coinage, m.m. lis (2). All fine, the second extremely fine Mary, Scottish testoons, 1556, one with thistle countermark Both fine Edward VII, set of silver, from 5/- to 6d. i) 10 10 ou 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 16 10 15 10 0 0 0 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 176 il 178 10 Proof Bank of England dollars (3) one with FIDEI DEFENSOR. All three extremely fine 3 Three shilling bank tokens 1812 (2, one a proof), 1815 (2), 1/6 bank tokens 1811 (2), 1812 (a proof), and 1813. All very fine 8 George I, guinea, 1717. Has been mounted George II, two guinea piece, 1739. Mounted, fine Another, of same date. Mounted in a locket, fine George II, guinea, 1760. Has been mounted George III, “‘shield’’ guinea, 1779, and ‘‘spade” 1790. Both have been mounted 2 Victoria, Jubilee 1887, Five Pound piece. Fine Jubilee, 1887, Two Pound piece. Has been mounted Edward VII and Alexandra, A’ Coronation medal, 1902. Ex- tremely fine George III, “‘shield’’ guinea, 1785, and “‘spade’’ 1790. Both with rings 2 Victoria, Jubilee 1887 sovereign and half-sovereign. In mint state 2 A similar lot, with two half-sovereigns. In mint state 3 U.S.A., Eagle, 1879, head of Liberty Another, similar, 1881 Another, 1926, witn Indian head, St. Gaudens’ type. Ex- tremely fine Henry VII, A’ angelet, m.m. pheon. Buckled Silver. Hammered shillings of Edward VI, Philip and Mary, Elizabeth, James I and Charles I (2); groats of various kings (6); early Pennies, etc. (8) 20 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 193 194 195 1i Crowns of William III, 1695 and 1696; half-crowns of the Com- monwealth 1651, false, James II (2) 1685 and 1687, and George II, Lima, 1745; shillings of Cromwell and Charles II (3) Shillings of Anne (8), George I (3), George II (3) and George II (7). Some fine Sixpences of Elizabeth, William III (3), Anne (2), George II (9), George III (9), William IV and Victoria, etc. Transvaal, Kruger 5/- 1892, 23/- (5) 1892, 1895, 1896 (2) and 1897, 2/- 1897, shillings (2) 1897, sixpences (2) 1895, and threepence, 1896 U.S.A.: 50 cents 1893, 25 cents 1858, dimes (12), one of 1835, half-dimes (4), one of 1832: nickel 5 cents (5), 3 cents 1867, -E cents (7), and half-cents 1803 and 1832. Some very fine Gold...Eton Prize Medal, 1833, with bust of Henry Peckham, Duke of Newcastle. In mint state Award medal, King’s National Rifle Association, 1860, presented to Corporal Taylor, 4th L.R.V. Wimbledon, 1879. Very fine A Annam, Thieu Tri (1841-47), Schréder 295. Very fine Chile, A’2 Escudos, 1834. Very rare Florence, Ferdinand III, Ruspone, 1816. Brilliant Florence, Leopold II, 1824, Fiorino. Fine France, Louis XIV, Half-Louis a l’écu, 1691 (Ciani 1798), over- struck on earlier coin. Fine Naples, Ferdinand IV, 6 ducats, 1763. Very fine Rome, os Benedict XIV, ducat, 1743 Portugal, D. John V, Pesa, 1747. Very fine Sardinia, Charles Emmanuel, Doppia, 1800. Very fine and rare Venice, Pietro Grimani (1741-52), Ducato in oro (or 5 Zecchini), not in Corpus Num. Ital. Extremely rare and very fine 10 21 28 12 33 17 32 7 un 0 16 10 15 10 12 196 -R Uniface portrait medallion of Petrus Macchiavelli of Lucca, 16th century, signed A.A.R.° Cast and finely chased 197 India rupees, William IV, Victoria (2), Alwar-(2), Anne Maundy set 1710, miscellaneous small silver (20), Johannesburg vulcanite tram ticket, Manx penny, 1733, and miscellaneous | ae: copper coins (30) 6 198 A Crowns, Charles II, William III (2), half-crowns (7) and _ Bank token for three shillings, all worn Fi 199 Large silver medal Zoological ae of London, 1826, obr. exotic birds, rev. quadrupeds, presented to Brian Hodgson, Esq., 1857. Very fine 200 Small Cabinet, 14in. x,12in. x 9in., Sid door, six drawers, lock and key, containing various copper, Papal and other commemorative medals and six cliches of Napoleon ng : | END OF BALES . } PRICED CATALOGUES of Coins and Medals. FTER each sale these catalogues are issued with the prices realised printed in the margin opposite each lot, thus giving at a glance a reliable guide to values. The final test of value must always be auction prices rather than the figures given in books of reference, for changing times and fashions soon render the latter obsolete and misleading. On the average we issue twelve Coin and Medal catalogues a year, some of which are usually of sales of important collections. The priced catalogues are posted to subscribers as soon as ready, usually about a week after the date of sale and the subscription 1s ONE GUINEA per annum. Messrs. Glendining & Co., Ltd. CONDUCT AUCTION SALES OF SILVER, JEWELLERY, ANTIQUE FURNITURE, VIOLINS War and Commemorative Medals » Coins Postage Stamps s Fine Art = etc. WEEKLY THROUCHOUT THE SEASON. CASH ADVANCES, IF REQUIRED, ON LOTS SENT FOR ABSOLUTE S3SALE. Lots to be Inoluded in these Sales should be sent In as soon as possibie. Minimum Charge for Single Lots 5/- PROMPT SETTLEMENTS GLENDINING ¢ & CO., Ltd. 7, ARGYLL STREET, OXFORD CIRCUS, W. interes) Ltd., The Triangle, Bournemouth.